Debbie D’s September blocks

Posted by on September 28, 2011 in Uncategorized | 2 comments

I’m new to the Block Lotto this month. I’m a longarm quilt from Southington, CT. Shannon (pieceful kwilter) told me about this and i’m thrilled she did. I’ve done 9 blocks for this month’s drawing.


  1. Welcome to the block lotto, Debbie! Your blocks look great. FYI, I think you might have clicked "save" instead of "publish" when you created your blog post. Otherwise, you did a great job! I really appreciate you making the effort–I'm working 11-12 hour days (and nights) because of a project deadline at work and don't have a lot of extra time to post photos for others.

  2. i was born to play the 'devil's advocate' role 🙂

    glad to see you play along…

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