Gallery Update … and a Request

Posted by on September 18, 2011 in Uncategorized | 11 comments

I’ve pulled a bunch of photos of quilts and other projects made from lotto blocks and/or inspired by lotto blocks and added them to the Gallery Page.  I think I’ve added everyone’s photos … or at least everyone who added the labels quilts (for quilts and projects made from lotto blocks) and lotto-inspired quilts (for quilts and projects made by those who didn’t win … but made blocks for their projects).

The Gallery Page is organized chronologically backward, based on the lotto block featured in the project.  I’m thinking that I’d like to create a group on Flickr for these photos and others inspired by lotto blocks or the block patterns I’ve created.  What do you all think?  May I share your projects with the Flickr world?   If I created a group would you join/add your photos?


  1. I love the gallery! It's great to see all the quilts in one place.

    I have no problem with you putting my photos on flickr – but I don't belong to flickr and prefer not to join.

  2. I love Flickr! I already post my pix there, it would be great to have a Block Lotto group. Even people that don't belong can go view. Toni

  3. I would post a picture on Flickr! I need to get moving on my pineapple blocks now that my son is back to pre-school. Hopefully I'll have something exciting to post in the next two weeks.

  4. I use Flickr so would be very happy to join a block lotto group.

  5. That's a great idea Sophie. I would gladly add pictures to the Flicker group and it would be a great source of inspiration. Thanks for all your hard work with the lotto.

  6. Good idea, you can share my projects and I would post to the flickr group.

  7. I think a Flicker group would be great, and I'd add going forward. I currently have red and white blocks I won that have not yet risen to the top of my TO DO list yet. Kathie L in Allentown

  8. yes you may!

  9. I'm happy to have my photos shared – some of them are probably on flickr already anyway… Whether I would share my photos or not would depend on remembering to do it!

  10. Thats a great idea. I'm happy to share photos as I enjoy seeing other peoples.

  11. Feel free to put my photos on Flicker. Somehow I don't think I will remember to post pics on there myself.

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