Help Choose the Colorway for October

Posted by on September 11, 2011 in Uncategorized | 6 comments

I’ve just posted a poll in the right sidebar, asking for your opinion about possible color-combinations for October.  You may choose as many from the list as you like . . . or choose the none of the above option and post your suggestion as a comment on this post.

In case your reaction to the list is “what was she thinking” … here’s what:

Blue & White

Two color block choices are ALWAYS popular and while we have included blue in some block choices this year, we haven’t made any pure blue blocks.

Blue & White & Yellow

It’s a popular colorway that has been requested in the past.  It’s a little close to our African Violets, but still worth considering.

Blue – Cream – Tan – Brown

We haven’t done anything with Tans and Browns for a while.  This colorway always makes me think of the sand and sky and sea.

Cream – Tan – Brown – Gray – Blank

I don’t know that we have EVER made completely neutral lotto blocks.  Maybe it’s time.  (Or maybe I’ve just been thinking of some neutral swap blocks I have that I’m ready to turn into a quilt 🙂

Pink – Cream – Tan – Brown

The chocolate- raspberry inspired colorway that we used a few years ago (for framed pinwheels) was so popular, it might be time to revisit.  (The link leads to the blocks I made)

Pink – Orange – Yellow – White

Most of this year’s blocks have been on the color-saturated side–perhaps we should accept it as the theme for this year and continue the pattern.

Orange – Cream – Tan – Brown

It will soon be Fall in the northern hemisphere, so maybe a colorway that suggests Autumn makes sense?

You can probably tell that as I was making this list, one idea led to another … and perhaps, if none of these appeal, they sparked an idea for you–please share your “thinking” in the comments.

Edited to add:  In case you’re new or are making a mental list of what we’ve already made this year, I’ve updated the 2011 lotto block index.  It has the list of blocks we made this year, with links to all the photos (if you tagged your post correctly) and the block directions.

One more PS.  In case you’re wondering I cannot see who voted for what, so if you’re reaction is UGH, don’t be afraid vote that I’ll know who voted that way. 


  1. It's fun to vote but I have to admit…one of my favorites in the past was the pineapple block where grey, white and yellow were the key components…colors I never would have picked myself.
    Janet S

  2. I went looking through my file of saved inspiration quilt images and saw the gray-yellow-white quilt block that started me on the path of that pineapple blossom colorway … I think I like it better with the addition of scraps, but I tend to think everything looks better with some scrappy interpretation 😉

  3. I am all for skipping pink…..

  4. I voted for the raspberry option, but all those brown/tan options sound interesting. They're not colours I'd normally think of for a quilt but at the moment I'm loving the challenge of something different

  5. I like the blue yellow and white – those are our school colors.

  6. I voted for blue & white and blue, cream, tan, brown BUT I also love fall colors like rusts, browns, burgundy, hunter green, tan…you get the idea. 🙂

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