New to Block Lotto! Marie J.

Posted by on September 7, 2011 in Uncategorized | 2 comments

Hi!  My name is Marie and they have asked me to add to this as I’m the 2nd Marie on board…  So let’s go with Marie J.

This is my first post and blocks for Block Lotto!  I am looking forward to joining in on the fun!  I began sewing on my Mom’s old Singer sewing machine when I was very young and have been quilting for many years.  I received a ‘top of the line’ Kenmore as my high school graduation present decades ago from my parents.  I completely wore that machine out! and my husband dragged me to our local sewing machine store and MADE me buy my Pfaff 2170!  What a doll he is!  I’ve had the machine for two years now and I am enjoying every minute of playing with it!  If you are interested you can find my blog here:

Here are my first blocks.  Have to say that working with ‘curved’ lines has always scared me a little but I found this to be fun!  Can you guess which row was the first one??  I got a bit more daring as I went along.

That got me thinking about making a quilt…

Looking forward to see all of your creations!


  1. Sometimes in quilting we have to face our fears and do it anyway! I hope you feel accomplished after tacking the curved seams. Welcome to the block lotto. I've added your blocks to the list (and your blog to our blog list and the right sidebar).

  2. Welcome to block lotto, Marie J. You'll enjoy the neighborhood ~

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