September Batik Curvy Rail Blocks

Posted by on September 8, 2011 in blocks | 2 comments

Hello,   this is my first time joining in on this fun Block Lotto.  I am Paula
and I live in Vancouver WA.  I have been sewing, for about 15yrs. it is my
peaceful outlet to the everyday work, kids, and DH……

Well here are my
9 blocks for September.  I wasn’t sure if I wanted to join in this month, as
for I wasn’t to fond of the curvy block with the batik materials.  I’m not use
to making blocks with so much pattern and movement to them, but after I made
a couple, they began to grow on me.   So here they are…….

I also have a website here at Paula’s Crafty Boutique, that you can take a look at the other crafty things that I have been working on.
Thank you for letting me join.  


  1. Wow, such pretty colors at work here. Welcome to Block Lotto!

  2. Welcome to the block lotto, Paula. Those are some wild batiks–they'll really spice up the winners' quilts.

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