Sneak Peek, etc

Posted by on September 25, 2011 in Uncategorized | 3 comments

If you have made and posted blocks for this month, you should have received the October sneak peek email from me earlier today.  If not, check your spam folder for the message, then … let me know and I’ll resend it to you.

This is a good time to check your name on the list in the sidebar and make sure your information is correct.

If you didn’t make blocks this month OR made them and donated your chances AND you’d be interested in volunteering to choose the winners (using the random integer website), let me know.  I’ll likely be sending the info sometime after noon on Friday.


  1. I didn't make blocks this month, I'd like to learn how to use the random generator thingy.

  2. Sophie, I made blocks, but my name's not listed- I'm guessing that part of the problem. Shame on me for not checking the sidebar earlier. I only made three and it was early in the month.

  3. Mary, I'm sorry I don't recognize your pic and am not sure WHICH Mary you are.

    Kasey, thanks for checking. I typo'd your name when I added your blocks and when I tried to figure out what it should be … I couldn't, so removed it. Mystery now solved and you are CORRECTLY back on the list.

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