A 60-day experiment

Posted by on October 19, 2011 in Uncategorized | 1 comment

There’s a new tab at the top of the blog labelled FORUM.  

  • Unless there are major issues, I’ll leave the forum page up for 60 days so we can “kick the tires” and see what we thing–both about this forum format and whether or not we need a discussion forum.
  • Please continue to post Block-Lotto-related posts on the blog.  But if you are looking for a place to talk about stuff within this community, the forum might be the place for you.  Also, as much as I love blogs, forums seem to be better suited for “conversation.”
  • Please, nothing commercial, respect the copyrights of others, and be nice to one another 😉
  • You might have to sign up for a (free) Nabble account to use it.
  • There are still some formatting issues on the page–I tried to remove the sidebars, but if you scroll down, you’ll notice they are still there, just pushed below the discussion forum.  I’ll have another look at the code when I’m less tired. 

Kristin gets all the credit for finding this option (and a couple others).  We ere chatting about the best way of organizing a swap within the block lotto community … if you saw my comment about what a great swap block one of her samplers blocks would make, now you know, I wasn’t just being nice 😉

1 Comment

  1. I can't take all the credit! – You were brainstorming with me throughout the day. I just used Google to search "discussion board in blogger" 🙂

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