Poll Results – Quilting in December

Posted by on December 18, 2011 in Uncategorized | 3 comments

Here’s the results of our poll. What’s your December quilting project?

Personally, I realized that  I’ve done a little bit of “all of the above” … and not as much as Block Lotto blog projects as expected–since most of you consistently remind me, if it ain’t broke, I don’t need to fix it, I’m not feeling too bad about my lack of productivity … but I DO need to get busy and make some January sample blocks, so that after the holidays, I’ll be ready for Block Lotto 2012.


  1. Looks like many of us had grand ambitions – wonder how many accomplished what they hoped to? Of course there is still two weeks of December remaining . . .
    Any hints for us regarding 2012 block lotto fabrics? I'd love to have a "good" excuse to take advantage of after Christmas sales at the quilt stores!

  2. Whohoo! That's great news. I look forward to January's Block Lotto!

  3. Hope your getting some rest Sophie. My cheap – new sewing machine is already broken, so my December project is down the tubes. hopefully it will be fixed by January. -Helen

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