Lotto inspired finish

Posted by on April 9, 2012 in show and tell | 4 comments

Back when many of us were working on blocks for Sophie’s quilt last year I was also looking for inspiration for a crib quilt I planned to make.   When I looked through all the past lotto blocks I really liked the Buckeye Beauty block and so I used that pattern to make this quilt.

I really like having all the past lotto blocks and patterns available as a reference.  Thanks Sophie!


  1. looks great! I’m expecting a new niece or nephew in a few months and have been struggling with what kind of quilt to make, what a great idea to go through past lotto blocks! Thanks for the idea 🙂

  2. A great quilt! Thanks for shairing with us!


  3. That looks wonderful! I like the colors you chose, too. No border was the perfect choice for that pattern.

  4. It’s lovely. Thanks for sharing it with us.

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