African Violets lap quilt

Posted by on May 21, 2012 in show and tell | 4 comments

Here’s a photo of a lap quilt I made with some of the African Violet blocks I won earlier in the year. I made the quilt for my dear sister-in-law, who’s currently in the middle of chemotherapy and needs to rest at home quite a bit as a result of the treatments. I think she’s really going to love it!


I had a lot of wonderful blocks left over, so I included some of them on the back of the quilt, along with some flowery fabric I had in my stash. The quilt alost feels double-sided—there are great blocks to look at on either side.



  1. I love your top. You did a great job, and how comforting that will be for your friend. The back is terrific, too!

  2. This is so sweet. Love the way it turned out. I know she will love it!

  3. beautiful!

  4. Whata cheerful quilt for your sister-in-law. I hope it gives her lots of comfort and cheer.

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