Another Nine Ladders

Posted by on August 23, 2012 in blocks | 2 comments

Here are my nine for this month. I luv this block. I’m wishing you all luck in winning….but of course I’m hoping that one of my nine chances will be the lucky one for ME!


  1. While I was making coffee this morning, I was thinking about how many blocks we need to get to three winners this month–I am planning to make some time to SEW this weekend and wondering if I could push us over the threshold. Then I turned on the computer and saw your blocks and Rachel’s. Suddenly a three-winner month seems more possible.

    Our total so far is now 107 blocks … which is 24 blocks away from the number needed for three winners with a week to go. I think we might make it.

  2. Hi Toni,

    I’m having the SAME wish!

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