Wicked Mugs

Posted by on November 29, 2012 in blocks | 1 comment

Not all proffered cups should be taken.

Not all tea grannies are nice.

Be careful what brew you are sipping,

or you may not get to sip twice.


I was having so much fun deciding what Snow White’s Evil Stepmother’s mug would look like that I ended up with two mugs in the same fabric, but I liked them too much to leave one out of the photo. If it’s allowed, I could send them to different winners – or else I’ll have a start on my own quilt. This block was a lot of fun but I found it harder than it looked at first and my earliest block has a lot of seams to make it right. By the way, the purple inside one cup is supposed to be Arsenic ( cackle cackle).

1 Comment

  1. The look great (even side-wise!) I’ll add the second mug (in the same fabric) as an extra–it won’t count for a chance in the drawing, but you can send it to one of the winners–if that’s OK with you.

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