A Reminder and and Update

Posted by on June 2, 2013 in Help, housekeeping | 12 comments

As I wait to hear back from one of the May winners to confirm her mailing address and let me know how many blocks she’d like to keep, it seems like a good time to remind everyone who wants to win blocks that you have to check the Block Lotto site or your Email and get back to me within 2 days … or a new name will be chosen and you won’t win after all.

If you cannot be available or won’t have access, please let me know BEFORE the drawing so we can doublecheck that I have your address and it’s correctly formatted and you can tell me how many of your own blocks you’d like to keep … just in case you win.

This isn’t like a blog giveaway where, if you are slow in responding, it only holds up one person from sending you one package. For example, this month, 30 quilters will be mailing blocks to four winners.  When I don’t hear from one of the winners, it’s means no one can send out their blocks and none of the other winners can start receiving their winnings.

Because one of our winners, Karen, is pretty new and this is her first win, and because I know some people don’t have web access on the weekend, I’m going to extend the usual 48 hours to 72 hours and hope I hear from her first thing Monday.   Otherwise, I’ll be choosing a replacement winner.  It would be a shame to miss out on the opportunity to send the first set of blocks to a winner in South Africa …

Thanks to everyone who made blocks, and especially the other winners, to waiting one more day.  Once I hear from Karen, I should be able to send out the mailing info pretty quickly.  If you didn’t win, but were in the drawing, you may want to check this website and/or email from me on Monday … just in case I don’t hear from Karen and you’re the new winner.

For grins, if you have read this far and it’s easy for you to do so, leave me a comment on this post so I know you actually did see it and read it.  I confess … some days, I wonder.


  1. You’ve got at least one reader! I hope you hear from Karen. Kathie L in Allentown

  2. I read it Sophie

  3. I read it, and I learned something new!

  4. LOL – I’ve read it. As a frequent giveaway hostess (and there’s one on at my blog now), I understand the frustration, Sophie for you and the other winners. My biggest frustration is the no-reply bloggers who actually don’t know they are no reply and thus don’t win. Since you do have international players, you might want to make that 72 hours a new change as in some countries the NET can be a bit unreliable.

  5. I read it!!!! You don’t have to worry about me……you wouldn’t believe how many times I check my email and this site on the last day of the month!!!! lol

  6. I read it. 🙂

  7. LOL – read! Thanks for all the hard work you do Sophie! I haven’t participated in Block Lotto for a while now – but I still read the blog regularly. I am currently studying, but will finish in July 😉 then, hopefully I can get back to some regular sewing 😉 FYI – my address details have not changed, and I will ALWAYS elect to keep my own blocks if ever I win in the future 😉

  8. I read it!

  9. I know from my friends in South Africa that Cape Town had major power outages this weekend. I’m not sure where Karen is, but that be playing a part in the delay.

    When I lived in South Africa I could go for days without internet due to power failures and related internet outages. not all internet systems are as stable the USA, Australia and the UK.

  10. I read very regularly!

  11. I read it, too. Hope you hear from Karen in time – I’ll bet she would be very unhappy to miss winning.

  12. Yep, read to the very end. I hope Karen can get this information!
    I was getting paranoid though….is it me? did I NOT hit the send button?
    whew, no it wasn’t me.
    There have been times when I check constantly to see if I have won.
    Then there are times when I am totally oblivious to the date and drawing,
    and I win.

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