
Posted by on June 5, 2013 in show and tell | 1 comment

04112012582Being out of town with a dead phone and no other connectivity over the weekend I nearly missed out on being a winner!  When I got back, a number of patient emails were waiting from Sophie to let me know.  I needed to have replied to the first email confirming acceptance and posting details, and I should have let her know beforehand that I may not be available when the draw happened.  Lesson is, don’t think you won’t win!!  I only started participating at the beginning of this year, but had for about a year been following the blog site and trying out some of the blocks, even making a whole small quilt from the May 2012 block.  In the next two to three weeks I should receive a whole bunch of geese to add to my three, thank-you, thank-you to all who made blocks.

1 Comment

  1. I’m so glad that it all worked out. I think in more than 10 years, I’ve only had to choose an alternative winner once.

    Thanks for sharing your quilt–it looks great in all those brights.

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