all the geese are here

Posted by on July 1, 2013 in sent and received | 4 comments

The last envelope arrived today. I gave them all a good pressing and laid them out.

Don’t know if this is how they will be used or not. It is fun to see them all together!

Love them all. Thank you so much!!block lotto geese


  1. I like this setting idea (whether you use it or not). Have fun. I look forward to seeing what becomes of them.

  2. Beautiful! Thanks for posting this. Your post motivated me to work on my Geese blocks today. Hopefully I’ll have a picture for all to see later today.

  3. I really like your setting. And black centers would stand out. Congrats on your win.

  4. That’s a great way to set the blocks!
    Perhaps a skinny sashing the same color as the center squares?
    Hmmmm… would the blocks look on point?

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