Happy Thanksgiving

Posted by on November 28, 2013 in block lotto community | 2 comments


Image from The Graphics Fairy

There is a very old Art Buchwald column in which he explains Thanksgiving to the French. I have fond memories of reading it each year in the International Herald Tribune when I lived in France, several decades ago.  You can read the whole thing here, but near the end he concludes:

And so, on the fourth Thursday in November, American families sit down at a large table brimming with tasty dishes and, for the only time during the year, eat better than the French do.

If you are celebrating today, I hope that will be true for you.  Bon appetite!


  1. I’m off to my sisters (just a half hour away) with the pies for Thanksgiving. The turkey and trimmings are made by other guests and leftovers will definitely be coming home with me. Best wishes for a joyful feast.

  2. Love the vintage card, Sophie, and the article. Thanks for linking that!

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