Mail Jackpot!

Posted by on November 12, 2013 in sent and received | 2 comments

My post officer was weighed down this morning with blocks from Margaret R of Brooklet, NSW, OZ – my favorite continent,  Maria N. of Stellarton, Nova Scotia -Oh Canada!, the talented Jean-Sophie, Julie W.  of Oakland, CA, Virginia D. of Brooklyn, NY – I love NY, Linda N. of Dallas, TX and Kathy S. of East Canton, OH.  I’d bake you all a pie if I could but sending big thanks!!  Someday, I’d love to send blocks to you all, too.  The last thing I won was about 28 yrs. ago, a case of canned peas that went to the food shelf.  This is so much better!


  1. Hi there Jude, I’m glad my blocks have arrived. A homemade pie would be delicious but of course the logistics of delivery aren’t in our favour. But thanks for the lovely thought! Agreed, it is fun to receive blocks in the mail, and it IS way better than a case of peas. 🙂 Have fun with your leaf blocks!

  2. Your peas cracked me up. I am SO happy for you!!

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