Web Site Maintenance

Posted by on December 19, 2013 in housekeeping | 6 comments

work_in_progress_graphicI am planning to update the template for this site between now and the end of the year.

So … if you have problems accessing the site, it’s likely me updating things and not you.

This is also the time of year when all the fees to maintain this site are up for renewal, including things like:

  • Domain Registration
  • Site hosting
  • Templates
  • Linky Tool license

For anyone who would like to help support the Block Lotto, I’ve created this Pay Pal donation button. Donations are through PayPal, but you do not need a PayPal account to donate. They they take all major credit cards.

As you all know, I spend the time on the block lotto because I enjoy it, too.  But life continues to be a struggle for me and I hope no one will be offended (or feel any obligation) because I am making it possible for you to offer a little help.


If you are reading this through a feed reader and don’t see the button, you may have to click over to blocklotto.com  to see/donate.

After you click the button, you will probably have to login to Pay Pal (if you have an account there) to be taken to the page to donate to the Block Lotto Site Maintenance Fund.    Or, as Karen commented, you can just made a “payment to Family and Friends”  and use my email address as the recipient.


  1. I’d like to donate, but I don’t know how to do that on the PayPal site. Can you tell me what to do?

  2. Sophie I would like to contribute and I do have a Paypal account however when I click the donate button I am just given Toys r us…? Please let me know how to get to block lotto.

    • Yep, I have the same problem. The donate button appears to go to the paypal home page, rather than a block lotto payment site.

  3. I had success with Paypal. I just made a “payment to Family and Friends” – I needed to have Sophie’s email address as the recipient.

    Thanks Sophie!

  4. I really am frustrated with PayPal at the moment. It was hard enough to ask all of the wonderful Block Lotto quilters for help with the site and now the provided-by-PayPal button doesn’t want to work. Sometimes after you go to the main page, when you login (if you have a paypal account) it will take you to the correct page … but sometimes even that doesn’t work. I looked at the code in the button and there is no way for me to provide a direct link because of the way it SHOULD work.

    As Karen suggested, you can navigate to the send money function on the PayPal site, select the option to send money to friends and family (no product purchase) and then enter my email address. That seems to be working for everyone that has tried that route.

  5. The “send money to family, friends” worked very easily. Most of us should have Sophie’s email from sneak peeks and mailing lists sent from the months we didn’t win but played.

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