Another Pretty Violet Quilt

Posted by on January 31, 2014 in show and tell | 2 comments

Look what I found in my email this morning–a very pretty violet quilt.

Rani's ret quilt 1-30-14 violets


Here’s what Sara Karow had to say about the quilt that she and her friends in the Houston Public Library LMS Quilt Guild (Mary Stanton, Brinda Brantley, & Gail Ibarra) made for a friend.

We created this cheery 54″ quilt as a retirement gift and presented it today.  The recipient was thrilled.
We used a combination of 6″, 9″, and 12″ blocks, with a Moda dark purple marble background and a variety of yellow-on-yellow centers to tie it all together.


  1. What a happy quilt to start a new life! I like that kind of gardening.

  2. I really love this quilt. & this is one of my favorite Bock Lotto blocks.

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