Greetings from Germany

Posted by on January 16, 2014 in blocks | 3 comments

Hello everyone! I would like to introduce ourselves. We are two of the newest members and participants of the Block Lotto. I am the one featured at the back of the photo; I had blond hair over the summer. We are a team and will be sewing as one. The younger member there, is S. She started First Grade just last fall. She is quite proud as you can see. This will be her first sew-in. I, on the otherhand, have been blogging for a couple of years and sewing patchwork for about ten – give or take a year.


I am an American living in Germany (for thirteen years now). I am Chairman of the Board for a non-profit, family organization. (My children are still in elementary school.) Here in Germany, that means they usually have school until noon. I speak the native language and sometimes a word jumps in every now and again.

I have always loved crafting and art. Math was always a strong point for me. Along the way, I learned how to write technically hence the need to write patterns. I have a couple free for download at my site, easypatchwork, if you want to take a look. I love fabric just like everyone else…and I really enjoy meeting new patchwork friends and colleagues. I think it is very important to share with each other what we have learned and how we can do things easier, faster and better. My philosophy is simple, easy, practical.

I taught myself how to quilt/sew through reading and took lots of classes at the local quilt groups along the way. S. will be learning from me. Quilting used to be a trade/art that was passed down from generation to generation. Some of you may have had this privileage. I want to share this with my daughter.

Please bear with me. I am new to wordpress and the format. It will take a while for me to become proficient.

With all of that said, I would like to share our first two chevron blocks with you. We actually made three, but one was in orange and that will be used for the Mod-Mod QAL. These two are going into the Lotto! This must be really exciting to see who’s name gets drawn. We will try not to get our hopes up too high. 😉

January 2014 - Block Two - Karen Ackva January 2014 - Block One - Karen Ackva

Thank you everyone for reading about us and welcoming us into the group. Thank you so much Sophie for the speedy replies and setting everything up for me. It must be a lot of work – the entire organization. Thank you!!

Kind regards, Karen & S.

P.S. Germany is six hours ahead of Easter/Standard (US-East Coast) Time. We are eating lunch when most of you are getting up.


  1. Welcome to the Block Lotto to you and your daughter.

  2. Guten Tag! Wie geht’s? I hope you & eSie enjoy Block Lotto.

  3. Welcome. Your blocks are great. I especially love the purple!

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