Jumping on the Mod Mod train

Posted by on January 28, 2014 in my sampler | 5 comments

DSCN0293I’m so glad Sophie is offering a year of blocks that will combine to make a great quilt.  Heaven knows I’ve got enough fabric around to use.  Here are my January chevron blocks, in the scrappy style that I’ll use.  My plan is to make a throw-sized quilt.



  1. I love seeing all the different fabrics/colors everyone has chosen.

  2. Ooh. These blocks, with all those old 40’s prints, get me excited. Maybe I’ll pull out some of my hand-dyed stuff and my collection of vintage stuff. I don’t know what size, but I’ll be on the ModMod bandwagon, too. P.S. All the color right now is so welcome when all I see out the window is white-on-white, with a lot of tree skeletons and needles. Brrrrr.

  3. Those look like fun! I am in such a polka dot mood lately!

  4. I love those fabrics!

  5. Kathie you have such a talent with colour and patterns. I just got so excited when I saw these beauties! you go girl!!!

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