2 Star Chain blocks– at last

Posted by on March 25, 2014 in blocks | 2 comments

The paradox of quilting, for me at least, is that even if it is relaxing, when I am too stressed, I screw up, leading to less relaxation.  So it is with the March block.  Although I loved the block because it is pretty and got me to stretch a bit with the quarter square triangles, I kept having to take apart, re-cut.  There’s one more coming–if I can find a missing QST.

Star Chain StarChain2


PS: One time I was on a really stressful work trip. I pulled out some handwork and a guy asked me, “Is that your blood pressure medication?” “YES, and the only side effects are in my wallet!”


  1. Well Kim, Your blocks are stunning! So I am guessing the stressing paid great dividends!

    • You’re so sweet! Now if only I can find that missing QST to finish the last one . . .

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