The Courtesy of a Reply

Posted by on April 1, 2014 in block lotto community | 4 comments

Aside from the sneak peek and follow-on messages with corrections, Q&A or eye candy, I don’t send many email messages to you and most of them are one way–informational messages from me to you.

Sometimes though, I really do need a reply.  For example:

  • There is a question about one/some of the blocks you have posted and whether they follow the rules or, when there’s an oops, if you plan to fix it or forget it.
  • There’s a question about whether your blocks have been mailed (yet)
  • You’re a winner and I need to confirm your mailing address and find out if you prefer to keep or send your own blocks.

If it’s question about your blocks and I don’t hear back from you, it’s frustrating.

If you’re a winner and I don’t hear back from you, it’s a little heart-breaking.

Right now, I’m waiting to hear from a few people, including Mariella, who joined the Block Lotto days ago, made and posted blocks and WON.  In a post about the Block Lotto on her blog, she said she wasn’t sure how it all works … I hope I hear from her soon, so she doesn’t have to learn about the importance of a reply in a disappointing way.

Usually, I don’t know exactly how someone finds their way to the Block Lotto.  If you happen to be connected to Mariella in some way and can reach out to her and ask that she get in touch ASAP, I’d appreciate it.

If you were hoping to win some of the Star Chain blocks, but didn’t … you may want to check back tomorrow to see what happens. If I don’t hear from Mariella before noon (on the US east coast), a replacement winner will be chosen.


  1. Oh Sophie, I just sent an email and hope I was in time to win the blocks! and also how do I find out where to send my blocks to that are going to be for the other winners?

    • Yes, you’re in time. I’m glad to have heard from you.

  2. Thanks for the “housekeeping” update. We all need reminders now and then. 🙂

  3. Good review Sophie, I am fairly new and of course , stressed at times because that’s just the way life is I really am not very techie and your reminders help me remember and learn stuff I haven’t found yet…like a week or so I found Sophie’s Junction and it is good! Thanks Sophie and have a day of Smiles!

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