Received 4 May Block from Ginny Dorris

Posted by on May 15, 2014 in sent and received | 1 comment

Oh Boy these blocks are coming in a little willy nilly……

I have still to receive 8 more April Blocks…..oh don’t worry, they’ll get here!!!

But today, after my huge haul from yesterday of 7 envelopes, Today I received ONE envelope from Ginny Dorris as stated in the post title…..there were 4 beautiful May Blocks inside!!! Thanks Ginny!!

I must add that I love all the blocks I’ve received!!! They are all precious to me and I will be thinking long and hard as to how I shall turn them into quilts…..!! I like making BIG quilts!! so let’s see what I can come up with!!!

1 Comment

  1. Ha! That’s my email program, not me, making those editorial comments on my blocks. But I am glad you like them, and that they arrived safe. I’m sure you will make something great. Ginny

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