It’s True – Great Minds Think Alike (GMTA)

Posted by on November 1, 2014 in block lotto community | 2 comments

IJulie-X1-5 love the happy coincidences that happens when you have an idea and then start seeing it over and over … as a reminder or a push to move forward.


Yesterday Julie W sent a photo of the November blocks she’d made, including a mistake block–made by re-arranging the 4 units that make up the Easy X block.    She thought it was an interesting option for people using this block for their own quilts.


Apparently, Cathy thought it was a pretty good idea, too … years ago.  When I was reading blogs last night, look at the finished quilt that I found.




You can read more about Cathy’s quilt here: XOXOXO is Finished.



  1. I love it! I just may make a few “O” blocks too.

  2. LOVE the X’s and O’s mixed with the hearts. ADORABLE! Thanks for posting the pretty pic!

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