Blocks Received!

Posted by on December 26, 2015 in blocks, sent and received | 1 comment

I’ve been so busy quilting the last few weeks that all non-bills mail has been put into a pile to deal with later. But now, Christmas is over, and my father and toddler have both received their quilts. So I finally got to open several wonderfully squashy packets and adore all the lovely X-Plus blocks that were sent to me. I believe I’ve received them all now.  Thank you, ladies! And thank you to Christa for the lovely ornament.

But I’m ashamed to admit… when I counted up the blocks just now, I seem to have three extra, and I wasn’t keeping close enough track to know whom they’re from. Whoever it is, thank you very much!

Now to finally sit down and do some sewing just for me. Starting with making this month’s Block Lotto blocks!

1 Comment

  1. Kristin the extra three blocks are from me. Remember I sent the first package to the wrong zip code and figured it would never arrive so I made three more blocks and sent those out right away. Glad the one actually arrived and didn’t get sent back to me.
    Barbara in Michigan

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