A sunny finish!

Posted by on June 3, 2017 in show and tell | 9 comments

I don’t remember when we did these blocks. 2 years ago? It sat as a top for quite some time, finally going to the quilter this spring. I put the binding on today. I love it and thanks to all who sent me blocks!!


  1. Stunning finish! Congratulations!

  2. Julie that is gorgeous I love your choice of black and white in the quilt. Did you do the center yourself? The quilt is dynamite.

  3. A definitely sunny quilt. Terrific.

  4. Your quilt is so cute. I love the black and white. It was three years ago this month we did these blocks. I remember because it was the month my grandson was born! I made my blocks while helping with the baby.

  5. That is a stunning quilt! I think that’s show material!

  6. Very nice quilt! That would look fantastic on one of my walls! 😉

  7. Beautiful!

  8. What everyone else said–it’s stunning and your use of black and white really make it all pop.

  9. You did an awesome job! The center is perfect to tie it all together.

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