February block photos

Posted by on February 1, 2008 in blocks | Comments Off on February block photos

7 blocks from Pat H (swquilter)

8 blocks from Laurie N.

6 blocks from Cathy (cathysews) – don’t you love the range of reds she used?

A pretty pink block from Joy (jump4joy)

8 blocks from Sue (foofinster)

8 blocks from Di (SewDi)

Here are six blocks from Randi (randigirl29) and 8 blocks from Pat K (phx515)

Debbie (azrunner) has made six blocks, which you can see in her webshots album.

8 blocks from Michelle (momof11) and six from Sylvia (injim53)

8 blocks from Donna (pinky.hugs)

4 blocks from Judy (possumtownquilter) and 8 blocks from Cindi (zoopme)

6 blocks from Annette (annettejeavons) and 8 blocks from Sandy (centergranny)

Deb has made one block so far, but hopes to make more; Marilyn has made a number, but unfortunately, the ones with the lips fabric, even though they are cute, don’t qualify.

8 blocks from Bonita (machinequilting)- though the two at the bottom right don’t actually qualify, even though they are really pretty. And 6 blocks from Hilda (blueswallow), who has cleverly used the minimum number of fabrics in the maximum number of combinations.

Six blocks from Barbara (zizzybob)

9 blocks from Sophie, 4 blocks from Terri – Terri has since made two more blocks – check out all six here in her webshots album!

7 blocks made by Kate
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