I can’t believe . . .
. . . I overslept.
I had arranged with Terri–a previous block lotto winner who wasn’t able to make blocks this month–to choose our winners this month. She has places to go and people to see (a graduation party) today, but would be able to pick the winners before she left. I was going to send the list to her right after the deadline at noon (EDT) . . . and then I slept later than I have in YEARS–which I confess felt wonderful.
I scurried like a kitten with a ball a yarn to get the list of names to her, but might not have been quick enough. We MIGHT have to wait for her return AFTER the party to find out who our THREE WINNERS are this month . . . with my apologies.
Yes, with Laura’s blocks and my yet unposted blocks (I’m going to do that as soon as I have some coffee and brunch), we ended up with enough blocks for three winners. The first two names chosen will receive a set of 48 blocks. The third winner will receive a set of 35 of these happy floral cactus block.