Love Letters Blocks from Sneak Peekers

Posted by on February 1, 2010 in Uncategorized | 8 comments

Here are the original block photos of the blocks I know about so far.

From Caroline:




(Kate’s blocks don’t technically follow the guidelines, but they are so cute, I included them)



And me..


  1. These look so cute. I just don't know if I'm wired to quilt this way? Maybe I can do 1?

  2. You can absolutely do one and try it … but, be fore-warned, you may find that you LIKE it 😉

  3. It's very addicting, once you get the hang of it.

  4. Kristin, that's what I'm worried about – – – – "H-A-N-G-I-N-G" !!!!! LOL LOL!

  5. Start with a short word and be prepared to toss is. I tried tossed my first attempt…it wasn't pretty. 🙂

  6. I planned and drafted a 4.5 inch capital P – but when I finished it was 6.5 inches without a border so I have to rethink how I'm going to do this challenge. Found some old pants that I'm going to cut up and use for my next go around – then I can be more free with my learning. This is fun!

  7. Hi Sophie – thanks for posting my words – I wasn't sure if they would all qualify, not strictly being names, but if they are ok, I'd like to donate my chances from them. It was fun to make these words, but I don't need a whole quilt of them as I have so many half made quilts already…

  8. Kate, your word blocks aren't strictly terms of endearment, so I took them off the list, but if you want to send them to the winner(s), that would be great and, I think, they would fit into a word quilt based on our "liberated love letters."

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