Healing Thoughts for Mary Jane

Posted by on June 28, 2010 in Uncategorized | 10 comments

I received email from Mary Jane today.  She was contacting me because she was going to pick the winners for this month on Wednesday, but won’t be able to do so because she’s been in a motorcycle accident.  I don’t have any details but she said she didn’t know when the doctors were going to let her go.

Please send some healing thoughts her way.  If you want to send her a card and need her address, let me know and I’ll share it with you.


  1. sophie, can you send me her address? Would like to send a card.

  2. Please send me her address too.
    Years ago I was in a bad accident
    and cards and prayers do work, I know.

    Debbie E

  3. I would like to send a card too!!

  4. Cards always cheer you up, even when they are from a stanger. Please send me Mary Janes address so I can send her a card.

  5. Take care Mary Jane. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Hoping that you'll be feeling better soon.

  6. Sophie, Please send me Mary Jane's address so I can send her a card. I think receiving cards would cheer her up after her accident.

  7. Sophie, I'd like to send a card, would you please send me her address 🙂 I know how much they can brighten a hospital stay or a long recovery only too well 🙂

  8. That is so sad! I will keep her in my prayers.

  9. I would like to send a card as well.

  10. I would love the address too. I was in an accident with my Vespa last year (OK, not as bad a a motorcycle but still!) so I have a hunch what she's going through.
    Ginny (vdorris@aol.com)

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