Block Lotto Housekeeping

Posted by on July 18, 2010 in Uncategorized | 6 comments

As I mentioned that I was going to do a while ago, I have just finished going through the list of authors for this blog and removing privileges from anyone who has NOT made and entered lotto blocks at any time during 2010 . . . except for the five newbies who have asked to join but have not yet made blocks.  Don’t wait too long.  Jump in!  The water’s fine.

I do make mistakes and if I removed anyone’s privileges by mistake, just holler and I’ll set you up again. 

Anyone who was removed for lack of participation is more than welcome to rejoin.  Life happens.  Quilting tastes change and I promise they won’t all be Liberated/wonky blocks in 2011 😉


  1. Sophie, I would love to join in and have even made some blocks, but have been unable to contact you. I wonder if you wouldn't mind emailing me and letting know how to go about it. I have not started a blog, though I have got an acct, so I don't know if that is the best way, please email me at LJS742 at yahoo dot com. Thanks so much.


  2. Linda, you should have mail from me. For future reference, you can find my email address under the Contact Me tab at the top of the page (under the Block Lotto banner). I can't wait to see your blocks.

  3. Thx Sophie for everything you do, even in the middle of moving! You are AWESOME and I feel honored to be a part of such a fun community of quilters.

  4. Thanks, Carrie. Cleaning up the list seemed like a good excuse to take a break from the unpacking and moving in 😉

  5. I feel really fortunate to have found your site Sophie – the year you were featuring liberated blocks especially. That's really what was appealing to me – now that I am in the groove I'll continue even with the traditional blocks you are proposing for next year… But I really vote for liberated styled blocks!

  6. I don't have a clear picture yet of what we'll be doing next year. Since it will be the 10th year of the lotto, we might revisit some of our "greatest hits."

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