Blog Author Housekeeping
I have gone through the list of authors and revoked privileges for anyone who I believe hasn’t made blocks in December, January, February nor March (so far).
If you HAVE been active in the block lotto during this period and I removed your author privileges by mistake, please let me know and I’ll re-invite you to become an author. There were a few people who had blogger account names and email addresses that didn’t match anything I had for anyone. Some I was able to figure out … others were anybody’s guess.
A significant number of the authors removed–it felt like a little less than half–were quilters who joined last fall, who were invited to join the blog as an author, but who never made ANY lotto blocks. With the change we made this year asking everyone to make their first blocks before being invited as an author, we shouldn’t have that problem.
We were getting dangerously close to the Blogger limit of 100 authors. We have some breathing room now.
Thx Sophie for all you do for Block Lotto! It's so fun and exciting to learn new blocks/techniques and to see everyone's results, plus winning some – and it's all due to your efforts. I appreciate all you do!
Yes, thanks for all of your hard work Sophie!
You're welcome. As with a lot of things connected with this blog and the Block Lotto, it isn't a big deal–though this is easily the clunkiest and worst interface on Blogspot–except for chasing around and figuring out who is behind a particular google account name and email address when they are "new" to me and not in the spreadsheet I maintain to try to keep track of this stuff …. plus I went back to December which meant I had to check in two places to see if someone made blocks within the December-through-March window.
Let me add my thanks too! I know it must be a huge amount of work, and we appreciate it!
I hope there is room to join now. I have found fabric and want to play! Please let me know. Thanks.
hope you have some hair left after that tugging session. Thanks from me as well Sophie. I have been enjoying myself immensely with all the blocks.
Kim, there is, indeed, room for you to join. Unfortunately, I could not respond to you via email because you do not have email enabled for your account. Please go to the Join Us page (tab at the top of the page) for information about getting in touch with me.
Quite right Sophie – I haven't been able to join in with making blocks for nearly a year, and it's right that I don't just get to hang on in there in case I can and then stop others from joining in. Maybe one day eventually I'll get to play again. IN the meantime I'll enjoy what you are all doing.
PS I've got no further on the TicTacToe blocks I won in early spring 2010 except for pinning on the backing – I'm still not well enough to use the sewing machine.