Five more D4P blocks from Newbie, Kathy

Posted by on March 22, 2011 in blocks | Comments Off on Five more D4P blocks from Newbie, Kathy

Yippee.  I finished the other five blocks for a total of nine blocks.  It’s nice to finish a project!

Hi.  My name is Kathy and I am a newbie not only to quilting, but blogging as well.  My grandmother made so many beautiful quilts.  I’d love to continue the tradition in our family.  I have an awsome husband and a son that will be four in June.  I LOVE to garden, but promise to try to keep up on just a few quilting projects that I have started.  It’s been a long winter here in Ohio.  It would be nice to see some sunshine and get some fresh air soon.  Luckily I found quilting to keep me occupied.

Feel free to check out and follow my blog.  It’s new and a little rough, but it’s mine.  I only have one follower right now and would love to hear other’s opinons and tips!

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