8 Clover Blocks from Kristin in Oregon

Posted by on April 7, 2011 in Uncategorized | 5 comments

After almost 6 months not making blocks, I finally MADE time to make some last night!
whoo hoo!
block lotto april
The darker pink is fabric I tie-dyed myself, it’s colorfast, I’ve tested it.  🙂
These were a blast to make!
I played with the bonus triangles, making smaller and smaller blocks!
block lotto playing around
The smallest one is about 1 1/2″ square.  teeny!
~ Kristin
ps – so nice to be back!


  1. So nice to have you back 😉

    I love your smaller and smaller blocks. It would be fun to make a quilt of this block made in three sizes–I'd put the smaller two together to make another 6 inch block and then mix them all up in the layout of the quilt.

    I've added your blocks to the list. Our new total-so-far this month is 224 Clover blocks–we're ALMOST at the threshold needed for FIVE winners!

  2. Your baby blocks are adorable! What a fun way to use the bonus pieces.

  3. Love your mini mini blocks. I was thinking about making little geese with my leftover leaf pieces. These are an even better idea! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Love the little cuties!! Great idea

  5. I love how you've arranged the blocks into a heart! If I'm lucky enough to win, maybe I'll pinch the idea for a quilt 😉

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