Some block lotto musings…
Some of you might be interested in my rather long-winded post on my blog today about all the blocks I’ve won in the Block Lotto in the 5 years I’ve been playing – having won two months running, I was interested to go back and see what my luck has been like through the years, and more to the point, just what happened to the blocks I won… My verdict? Definitely worth playing the lotto – a conclusion I had already come to, but it’s nice to look back and see the material (ha ha) benefits of playing. There are, of course, lots of less tangible reasons I play – the chance to try new blocks, styles, colour combos or techniques; the opportunity to make a few blocks here and there with no guilt about them sitting around unused; the chance to use up scraps (not so as you’d usually notice…); and of course, the social aspect!