Melinda’s Blocks

Posted by on September 29, 2011 in Uncategorized | 1 comment

Here are Melinda’s blocks … I noticed them on her blog with a mention of how she is no longer an author. As some of you can probably tell, the Author’s list has become a bit of a revolving door … if you haven’t make blocks for 2-3 months, you probably have been replaced on the list by someone who wanted to join and has made blocks and is ready to post.

(And if you think that sounds like a pain for you … imagine what it’s like for me, CONSTANTLY editing the list and looking at the history of blocks made to figure out who can be removed in order to add someone who has made blocks and is ready to post.)

Anyway, as you can see, Melinda made some beautiful blocks–you can read what she had to say about them on her blog.


With the addition of the blocks from Jean and Melinda, we now have enough blocks for NINE WINNERS this month.  Mary will be choosing the winners tomorrow afternoon. 

1 Comment

  1. Just had an idea….. for some of the people who make blocks infrequently, such as only a few times a year…. is it worth asking them to pair up with someone who does post regularly. The infrequent blocker maker can send their photos to the regular block maker to post. Like you do for some people but it spreads the work load around.

    I'm sure people would volunteer to be moved as an author if they had a 'buddy' assigned to them, and I'm sure people would volunteer to be responsible for posting one other person's blocks.

    If it gets close to cut off time for receiving sneak peek etc and they're blocks have not been posted yet, they can always contact you as a last resort.

    Just a thought to help ease the load of the Block Lotto

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