Do NOT open any strange links from me

Posted by on December 15, 2011 in Uncategorized | 8 comments

My email account has been hacked.  (Google says it was accessed by someone in Poland).  Apparently *I* sent emails containing various links (some to a polish web site ending in .PL) to everyone *I* know.

I don’t know what it is, but it can’t be good.  PLEASE delete the message and do NOT open the link.

I have updated my password and crossed my fingers that the problem is resolved.


  1. Yeah, just saw two emails come in from you. No subject, and just a link with no other text. I know these things are bad so I deleted straight away. Hope no one on your mailing list gets tricked by it.

  2. One person on the Round Robin opened a suspicios email. I just deleted it when I didn't recognize a subject

  3. sophie, I get these all the time from almost everyone – I never click –

  4. Thanks for noticing. I sent it to SPAM.

  5. Mary, check for a message from me (really me). Your mailer might decide I'm a spammer (since you just identified me as one) and automatically route my email messages to your spam folder going forward.

  6. Well, I got this message too late!!!

  7. This is the first time I have had this happen to my email.

  8. Tanks Sophie. I deleted your mail before I read this post.

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