Finished Quilt!

Posted by on July 11, 2012 in show and tell | 3 comments

I think these blocks were from November 2011. I used a plain red sashing and a baptist fan pantograph. It finished at 52×72. I plan to donate it to Quilts of Valor. (Sophie…not sure how to save the photo in the Gallery, sorry!)
Andi in Arizona


  1. If you choose the category show and tell and upload the photo (instead of doing a copy-paste from a different website or blog), it will automagically appear in the gallery. You did it exactly right 🙂

    There is one last step to support the slider on the home page (and I don’t think I have documented this in a help topic) is to select the featured image. Setting your image as the featured image will turn on the capability for the slider to crop it to fill the space. If you have multiple photos in a blogpost, the one you choose as the featured image will be the one you see on the gallery page, on the main blog page with the (potentially) shortened text and in the list I’d recent posts on the home page. I updated your post for you and set that up.

    Now, let’s talk about your quilt. It’s lovely. Even though I know there are a lot of tan and brown fabrics in those blocks, I look at the quilt and see red, white and blue.

    And I can see my “broken dishes” star in the center of the bottom row!

  2. Great finish…Amazing how these blocks became a red, white, and blue quilt. I think I see my blocks in there too.

  3. What a beautiful quilt to donate to Quilts of Valor. What a beautiful thing! Thank you for posting the picture!

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