a finished quilt

Posted by on September 7, 2013 in show and tell | 3 comments

Finally finished the first of two checkerboard quilts, made from blocks I won… two years ago?  I’m hoping to get the second one done this month, too, after a bit of vacation.checkerboard 1Julie W


  1. Love the finish! It is so cute! I want to make my own quilt with these blocks some day.

  2. Oh, I still love these blocks! Your quilt looks great. I still have this pattern on my to-do-one-of-these-days list! Good luck with the next one.

  3. I like the plain squares of crayon fabric mixed in with these blocks. Nice job!

    FYI, I edited your post to move it into the Show & Tell category so it will show up in the Gallery and in the slider on the Home page.

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