loved the tall stars…..

Posted by on November 27, 2013 in Inspiration, show and tell | 6 comments

photo 3 (1)Last summer, I was trying to make sail boats using the stack and whack method. At the same time we were making the tall stars here at lotto. I adored them and when I put them with the sail boats, I thought….cool. So I made 9 more this quilt.



  1. A lot of quilts come from that collision that happens in your head when you’re working on one thing and thinking about another. This one is a wonderful creative collision.

  2. Ps. I added this post to the “show & tell” category so that it would show up in the gallery.

  3. I wish we had “like” buttons on this blog! Beautiful. The detailed combination of boat and star is lovely, but your wonderful use of color creates an overall stained glass effect; I really love what you did ! Of course, I’m partial to solids, and the black border really makes the colors pop. Super like!

  4. What a beautiful quilt. It looks wonderful.

  5. LOVE THE SOLIDS! A great design. The stripes really pop.

  6. I love what you’ve done here. It is very inspiring!

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