Scrappy Sampler Progress 2

Posted by on October 22, 2014 in my sampler | 4 comments

sampler three modules

With the woven blocks stitched in the module, I tried a few layouts. This one works.

I am looking forward to piecing the final quilt.


  1. You already know that I am loving this. As you have found, the blocks can go together in lots of combinations … so everyone should feel free to arrange and re-arrange and come up with their own layout if mine doesn’t speak to them.

    • This is one of the reasons I like Blocklotto! We inspire one another as we express our individual creativity. For instance, Ginny’t blue and white sampler is striking and Cathy’s colors are bold and beautiful. I like my layout today, but I’m guessing it will change when the final blocks are sewn. 🙂

  2. I am looking forward to seeing the final quilt!

  3. Although I didn’t participate in making a sampler, I have enjoyed watching you all putting your projects together. Very creative and beautious all. I hope Sophie does a 2015 sampler so I can play along too 😉

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