August Block Lotto Winners

Posted by on August 31, 2015 in housekeeping | 1 comment

RandomizeAppWith a second cup of coffee and the RandomOrg app in hand, I randomly selected this month’s winners …

But first a reminder about the deadline to enter because it makes me sad when someone posts the blocks AFTER the winner has already been chosen.

The deadline for posting is always on the last day of the month at NOON in New York City (eastern time).  That’s 10 AM for me in Santa Fe (mountain time) and whatever it is for you, wherever you are.

This month we made 126 blocks which means two full sets of 48 for the first two winners and 30 for the third winner. Of those 126 blocks, 38 were donated with no chance in the drawing which leaves 88 chances for those that were entered.


Our three winners are:


Randomize37-KarenB Randomize28-GInny Randomize7-Andra


Which translates into:

  1. Karen B (48 blocks)
  2. Ginny (48 blocks)
  3. Andra (30 blocks)


Congratulations to our winners.  Look for email from me later today to verify your postal mailing address and asking how many of your own blocks you’d like to keep.

1 Comment

  1. I am SOexcited!!! I screamed when I opened this post. Thanks everyone!

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