Wonderful Wonky Strips

Posted by on December 24, 2015 in blocks | Comments Off on Wonderful Wonky Strips

This pattern is so great I got busy and sewed the borders on my 9 Patch Plaid quilt just to declare myself eligible again! In my experience, the plain, scrappy mish-mash quilts are the most used, most loved and best remembered. Here are my eight entries:

The Wonky 8

These were quickly assembled as I already had my scrap containers out and 4 decades of pieces were strewn everywhere. A dear friend had brought over about 50 t-shirts commemorating time spent with his son, asking if I could “whip up” a quilt using them. Well sure, be glad to do that, I have lots of time and practically nothing to do! Here is a little sample of where I started:

T-shirt Surprise

It is all sewn together now and just needs sandwiching, quilting, and binding. No problem, I’ll knock that out. Then in my spare time, I’ll assemble another, simpler quilt out of the leftover shirts. See why I need the Tardis?

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