Blocks received so far

Posted by on February 15, 2016 in sent and received | 2 comments

Sorry I haven’t posted sooner, lots going on around here.  So far I have received blocks from the following: Christa, Janet, Jude, Julie W., Karen N., Laura R., Marianne, Nicole, and Robin.

They are all so beautiful and sewn so perfectly! I can’t wait to get started on the quilt, which, unfortunately will not be for a while, I am afraid.

Hope everyone had a lovely Valentine’s Day yesterday.  My husband surprised me with a pair of black pearl earrings.  I was stunned.

Take care & happy sewing!



  1. Glad they arrived! Not that any have gone astray, but I wait anxiously until I hear they have made it! Karen N.

  2. Mine blocks will arrive but they will arrive very late – probably mid March. Mexico mail is very slow. I sent the blocks off around Feb 4th or 5th but sorry, my friend, it takes an age for mail to arrive from my part of the Earth. I will be so happy when I read that they’ll arrived!

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