Samplers on Sunday
I’ve been making violets this weekend … and apparently also continuing to incorrectly say that violets aren’t spring flowers. Mother Nature (and commenters on my blog) have gently shown me the error of my ways.
These (and many many more like them) are growing and blooming in my front yard. I know if I post a photo, someone will tell me if they aren’t actually violets, but some other flower. The challenge of moving around a lot is learning all the local varieties of plants and flowers and I am pretty hopeless when it comes to the flora and fauna in New Mexico.
Here are my blocks for the Old MacDonald’s Mystery Sampler (OMMS), along with my Snail’s Trails. I used 11 different purple batiks for the flowers … and was kind of surprised to find that I had that many in my stash.
They are not laid out as they appear in the quilt … Béa did a good job of doing that with her blocks–this photo is taken from her blog post about them – Assemblage
Not long after Béa posted her blocks, she slipped and fell on the ice and is now sporting a rather large brace on her leg–as seen on Facebook–let’s all send her some healing thoughts.
For my other sampler, I made the blocks and cut all the rectangles for the bottom two layers of strata in the setting. It’s squished on the right side to fit on my small design wall, but the bottom of that quilt will look something like this.
How is everyone else doing? Have you made your blocks? Are you still thinking about whether or not to jump in? Have you seen something that has you thinking about trying one of the samplers in a completely different color way? Or … are you just planning to sit on the sidelines and watch the eye candy as it is posted?
Hi Sophie, I love your blocks. They really look good. Mine are almost done for the sampler and they are pretty fast to whip up. I found them easier then the snails…I will post when they are finished.
I believe the plant you are showing is a Periwinkle called Vinca minor. When I Consolidated with the National Capitol Commission Ottawa, Ontario, Canada we had two Hot Houses dedicated to the propagation of this plant. It is very hardy, we used it to combat soil erosion along windy banks and as a dense mulch in Floral beds in our parks…It is an evergreen- broad-leaf type which stands up to vast climate changes and wind. Probably more info then you wanted but, I can wax on about plants!
Indeed, some parts of the country call it Myrtle. It’s a tough little ground over and one of my favorites.
Sophie, your Batik violets and snail’s trails are beautiful!
Thank you Sophie XXX For me it’s exactly the flower I choose (pervenche /periwinkle) for my dark ground cover…perhaps too dark :/