Violets Blooming Indoors & Out

Posted by on March 12, 2016 in blocks | Comments Off on Violets Blooming Indoors & Out

We are having a very early spring bloom here in Mississippi. The last freeze usually comes around March 25th and often catches the azalea buds. Not this year, both the azaleas and the blooming trees are already fully open. In my sewing room some violets have blossomed too.

Robin's Violets

Below is my Rainbow Sampler block for March. So glad I started with them because this seemingly easy pattern gave me fits. When I concentrated on the centers, the edges were uneven, and vice versa. With some patient unsewing and extra careful work, I managed to do a better job on my 7 entries for this month.

March Sampler

Also, my snails crawled off, about a week ago and should have arrived by now.


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