What I Really, Really Want for 2017 Block Lotto

Posted by on December 11, 2016 in block lotto community | 1 comment

Well, first of all, I’m a big fan, even though I don’t play every month. I like the simple blocks the best and the paper-pieced blocks the least. I like the colors Sophie specifies — she keeps track of what we’ve done and spreads the colors nicely around. And the 6-1/2″ blocks are the best for me and for the mail. As far as the mystery block and quilt-a-longs, they just don’t appeal to me. I’d rather just make blocks and keep my fingers crossed that I might win once in a while. That way, I can make a whole quilt, work out the setting, sashing options, etc., and create a Block Lotto “original”. And it’s a good challenge for my inner designer. I guess I might someday put a lot of the stray blocks into a table runner or a baby quilt to use or give away, but not a whole sampler quilt. If I had my “druthers”, I could handle a whole year of only solid fabrics. I love to use them in quilts and they really pack a punch. Another option I’d be OK with is some “reprise” blocks from years past. I’ve only been on board for a few years, and I know there are some wonderful blocks out there that could bear repeating. I’ve brought a few friends into Block Lotto with me, so we now have a little cluster of folks in Western Michigan. So, let’s give a big cheer for Sophie — and I’m hoping she will have a happy year in 2017 in her new house with her sewing machines, cats, and creativity!

1 Comment

  1. Thanks for your post. It’s funny, I have both been thinking of making a sampler using all solids next year and thinking of bring back some of my favorite lotto blocks from years past next year … if you (or anyone) would like to suggest some of YOUR favorites, that would be great!

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