A BL-esque design

Posted by on November 30, 2017 in block lotto community | 3 comments

Benartex is having a blog hop this week to promote a new fabric line.  It’s been a great way to meet new (to me) quilt bloggers.  I thought of Sophie’s designs when I saw the quilt in this post.  http://quiltachusetts.blogspot.com/p/quilts.html

Cathy L. and I have corresponded lately and we both express how much we miss Block Lotto.  I hope you’re doing better, Sophie — and I hope all the BL gang is fine and busy quilting!


  1. I agree, especial the first one, Mountain Trek and Popscicles. What I like, too, is how Sophie can take a traditional block and make it different with her color choices or slight changes. I, too, hope she’s doing better. Think she’s moved to TX. Wonder if she would mind if we did something to keep Block Lotto in a more active holding pattern while she’s away.

  2. I think, like me, the quilter is a fan of Weeks Ringle and Bill Kerr. The book, The Modern Quilt workshop has inspired a few Lotto block choices.

  3. I’m really missing BL! Yes, and there are several designs in the Makers Mark Hop that would be great lotto blocks. I don’t think Sophie would mind, but I do think we should ask. It’s funny that I was thinking similar thoughts yesterday!

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