Carol’s Third Block

Posted by on February 22, 2018 in blocks | Comments Off on Carol’s Third Block

Hi Sophie,  I just tried to upload another photo and it didn’t work.  I can’t see anywhere that I can change the photo size before uploading.  Am I doing it correct.  I come here to add a post and then click on add media. Then click on my photo file and on the photo.   I didn’t have any problems uploading till recently. Am I doing something differently and that is not working? Can anyone suggest what I need to do to check the problem. My photos are in iPhoto   I am getting frustrated and I am sure that Sophie is too.


Carol, Here’s your photo.  This file WAS smaller– 3 MB or about half the size of the each of the other two photos you tried to post before, but still much, much larger than it needs to be (3000 pixels wide).  Your file was more than 50 times larger than this one–resized to 58 KB.  -Sophie

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